How do I procrastinate? Let me list the ways…

So I can’t sleep, I feel like when I was in the middle of chemo with my liver giving me a hard time. My left shoulder aches deep in the socket and I just feel run down. Generally I let bygones be bygones and don’t try to catch up here, but as I can’t sleep and have a few pics floating around my camera still, I figured what the hey. So let’s see what we missed…
Back when I was getting the chemo I noticed that all my fingernails had a weak spot that resulted in a ridge like that one on my thumb. The thumb was the worst, and it all coincided with the start of the chemo in January. The ridge has since grown out, right around the end of may on most of the fingernails, but they are all weak and flexible. It’s hard to peel labels off anything. Peeling labels is a kind of compulsional hobby with me, so I’m excited for when they get stronger.
As I went through the chemo my liver test numbers started to come back with alarmingly high numbers, although I wasn’t jaundiced at all. The doc said I ought to be Homer Simpson colored, but never showed. They gave me time off, but when I started back the numbers would creep upwards again. At the end of June they decided I’d had enough chemo. They said I just couldn’t take it anymore and they wanted to stop before the liver damage became permanent. I had no complaints by then, and as luck would have it, I would have had to go through the $3000.00 out-of-pocket expense again starting July, and was just as happy to have it gone.
On the 4th of July I was starting to feel a bit better and we did the (now traditional) trip down to Mt. Pleasant for the celebration. I’ve always thought the above sign in Fairview was hilarious, so I finally took a picture.
We did the usual hang out at the park gathering, visiting, parade and fireworks. While hanging out at John and Laura’s BBQ I found this little guy. I’m always amazed at the scale some things go through during a lifetime.
We had a conference for work in Cedar City in August, so we figured we’d go golfing at the local course one afternoon. We couldn’t figure out why the groundskeepers didn’t drive off the swarms of mammal hazards. Later we were told that they’re a protected species, and can’t be killed. Looks like they’re thriving, and it makes golf a bit more interesting.
I suppose there’s more, but it’s not nearly as fun catching up as it is to write about what I’m thinking about. Unfortunately, I often think about things and wish I could just sit down right then and put it in the record, but I’m usually busy at the time and can’t do it until later. And later never feels like the time to write.